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Quick Start Guide: Starting a Business
Next Steps: For Serious Business Owners

Turning Your Woodworking Hobby Into a Profitable Business

How to Start a Woodworking Business the Right Way

Lesson: Introduction

If you’re going to turn your love of woodworking into a viable business there are a few very important questions you really need to ask yourself before you decide to pull the trigger and go down this path.

1) Do you really even want to start a business?

Or would you rather remain a hobbyist woodworker that doesn’t have to worry about all the business-related headaches that can come with the job of “business owner” because you will have challenges along the way. Is it something you’re mentally prepared to deal with when it does happen?

2) Why do you want to start a business?

You really need to define your WHY. It’s important to have a WHY that helps to motivate you to get up in the morning and go to work. Your why might be something like: a) to increase or supplement your income so you can create a more enjoyable lifestyle and eliminate your financial worries forever or b) to free yourself from the bondage of a job you hate – again so you can create a more enjoyable and rewarding lifestyle.

You need to know what you’re working so hard for and ensure it’s an endeavor worthy of your time.

Whatever your reason for starting a business you need to define it and make it something so emotionally powerful that it cannot but help to propel you forward on those days when being a business owner just flat out sucks. Because, there are days like that as a business owner and you need to be prepared to deal with those emotions when they come up. Having a powerfully emotional WHY behind your business enterprise will help keep you in the game for the long term when the going gets tough.

3) Do you truly have a passion for woodworking?

This is important to know because if there’s no flame of passion in your heart that compels you to create your next wooden masterpiece then that may make it difficult to impossible to grow your business. So, ask yourself this… do I love woodworking enough to do it even when I don’t feel like it? Do I feel drawn to it despite everything else in my life? Is it something that calls for me even when I’m not woodworking?

If the answer to those questions is a resounding YES!, then you  just might just have a passion for woodworking that would be an incredible asset to you in your business.

Next Steps

With those questions answered you are now ready to decide if you will move forward or go in a different direction.

To continue the course use the menu on the left side of the page or the navigation arrows at the bottom. And good luck to you future business owner!

Take It To The Next Level:

Starting a Woodworking Business

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